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George Osbourn was born and raised in Washington Parish and graduated from Franklinton High School. From there George went directly into the United States Army and served for six (6) years. After working several different jobs George decided to start his own trucking and equipment service business. Osbourn Construction has been in successful operation since 1975. Mr. Osbourn has served over thirty years as a Reserve Police Officer with the City of Covington Police Department and over twenty years with Fire District 13. George is happily married to Mrs. Earline Jenkins of Bush, LA.

Norman Voelkel was born and raised in New Orleans, graduating from Ben Franklin High School and Tulane University with a mechanical engineering degree. Norman moved to Covington in 1981 to open a branch office for Carl E. Woodward Construction and subsequently opened Norman Voelkel Construction in Mandeville in 1989.The offices for Voelkel McWilliams Construction remain in Mandeville today.

Norman is married to wife Pam and they have a family of 7 children and 24 grandchildren. Norman is in his first 4 year appointment to the Fire District 13 board. Besides work and family, Norman serves on the board of Urban Impact Ministries in central city New Orleans, Rebuild New Orleans Ministries in the Desire area of the ninth ward and Upward Community Services in Covington.  Norman serves as a deacon at Covenant Church in Covington and enjoys tennis, golf, traveling and hanging out with family and friends.

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